I'm one of the few people I know that loathes his birthday. At best, it seems a meaningless milestone; at worst, it's a giant gong signifying one's overall declne and mortality.
Some co-workers wanted to take me out and I suggested no, let's celebrate the departue of a pathological OPS senior manager that's expected to leave (not have his contract renewed) in March instead...(
Mr. Kurtz, he dead!)Some Facebook friends have also written me, to which I responded in various ways...(it is also mingled with my self-annhilation from FB effective Jan 22/10, which is when the self-destruct sequence on my account takes effect)...
Paul Dowsett: Happy Birthday Mark !!
Mark Winston: Thanks, Paul. "There's no cure for the common birthday." -- John Glenn
Paul Dowsett: Yes there is ... but it's a very drastic (and final) cure ...
Mark Winston: Yeah, one can't discount all the options...
Ryan Mattingly: Happy birthday Mark!
Mark Winston: Thanks, Ryan. I'll miss you once I'm off FB. If you have a website lay it on me. Either way, you're one funny, dangerous dude and if there's any sense in this goofball world, you'll be noticed and lauded for it. Best, Mark.
Ryan Mattingly: Dude, I'm bummed I won't get your brilliant comments and film suggestions on a daily basis. I'm gonna send you all my contact info and sites right now. You're funny, smart, and let's keep it going, man.
Libby Kinghorne: Maybe we should start a petition or a FB Group to keep Mark on FB?!?
Mark Winston: Don't cry for me Facebooktina/The truth is I never left you/All through my wild days/My mad existence/I kept my promise/Don't keep your distance
Libby Kinghorne: Is it wrong to wish you a happy birthday on a site that you have pledged to abandon?!? If not - Happy Birthday, Mark.
There are three hundred and sixty-four days when you might get un-birthday presents ... and only one for birthday presents, you know.
- Lewis Carroll
Krista Bruno: Eli thinks Mark is 100 -- no wonder...
Mark Winston I wasn't going to say this until I turned 50, but here goes: "Getting old ain't for sissies." -- Bette Davis
Ron Hernando: This sure beats addressing an envelope and going to the post office for a stamp, but will you survive without Facebook?! (Happy B-day).Ron posted an fCard to Mark's Wall
Mark Winston: "Age is a high price to pay for maturity."
- Tom Stoppard
Charlie Huisken: Hello Mark! Have a happy birthday! (The 16th of January is my Mom's birthday too.)
Mark Winston: Thanks, Charlie. "There's no cure for the common birthday." (John Glenn)
Jim Shedden: Happy birthday anyway!
Mark Winston: Thanks, Jim.
“The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.” Oscar Wilde
Others who I thought might write, didn't...even with the ease and informality offered by FB. FB also
reminds you when it's someones birthday...I also got no cake nor presents (as those around me dare not, as they are seized or exasperated by me)...writing about all this...just sounds churlish.
I'm just glad/relieved the day is over and I can go back to celebrating all my 364 un-birthdays!